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Maggiori informazioni

Salvare le impostazioni

DXQequipment.monitoring for testing

Equipment Status

The modul Equipment Status is web-based software for monitoring the plant’s status for the entire inspection area at the end of line. 

The status messages of the test stands are rendered, visualized, and evaluated in the tool 1:1. Should there be a malfunction, the people involved in the process will be automatically notified about the incident on request. Using the tool, maintenance staff can retrieve initial information about the error (e.g. type, specific error text, and previously recorded messages) as well as available solution notes, without having to be physically present at the affected plant. For a detailed error analysis, the plant-specific log files can also be retrieved directly via the tool and downloaded for sending to other parties (e.g. to Dürr Service). That saves time and results in faster recommissioning of the system.


  • Real-time monitoring of the system status 
  • Real-time reproduction of the message history 
  • Automatic notification in the event of a malfunction 
  • “First Aid” function (troubleshooter) in the event of malfunctions for faster elimination of problems. 
  • Access to plant log files regardless of location 
  • Possibility of detailed analysis of the status data


  • Real-time status information without being present at the system 
  • Easy access to plant-specific log files 
  • Faster problem identification and shorter downtimes 
  • Access to the interface on any authorized device with a browser, thanks to “responsive design”

Maintenance Manager

The module Maintenance Manager is web-based maintenance software for the entire inspection area at the end of line. 

The maintenance tasks are monitored and displayed on the basis of the specified time periods or intervals. The tool gives the maintenance staff direct access to further information on a maintenance task. Completed maintenance tasks are confirmed by the system operator and automatically saved in the maintenance history. With the help of the optional editor, the maintenance database can be adjusted as required, either by changing the properties of the predefined tasks or by adding specific tasks.


  • Automated generation of a task list for maintenance staff, also across several plants 
  • Possibility to display further information on maintenance tasks (e.g. documents, illustrations, videos) 
  • Creation and optional export of a history of tasks already completed 
  • Processing of the task database (e.g. editing, deleting, or adding tasks) by the user is possible at all times


  • Maintenance tasks are not missed 
  • Fewer unplanned plant shutdowns, increased uptime 
  • Better overview of maintenance effort and improved maintenance planning 
  • Access to the interface on any authorized device with a browser, thanks to “responsive design”

Product Monitoring

The modul Product Monitoring is web-based software for monitoring the production quality of the individual workpieces (vehicles) for the entire inspection area at the end of line. 

Using the unique vehicle identification number, this tool makes it possible to trace which vehicle was tested on which assembly line, from which test stand, with which specific test and measurement results, and in which cycle. Should a vehicle be ejected from a test stand because of a problem, it is possible to conveniently trace in real time which specific individual values led to this outcome without having to manually read out and filter data as before. Numerous filtering and analytical functions support quality engineers in investigating the causes and indicate whether there are any systematic irregularities.


  • Visualization of all vehicles that have passed through the inspection area 
  • Detailed presentation and saving of the individual measurements and settings as well as results 
  • Diverse filtering and sorting options for the identification of systematic quality errors


  • Real-time availability of vehicle result data without manual data integration and preparation across test stands 
  • Faster identification and elimination of quality problems 
  • Access to the interface on any authorized device with a browser, thanks to “responsive design”