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Dürr and Rohde & Schwarz collaborate on ADAS/AD functional testing for EOL and PTI

Improved road safety for autonomous and automated vehicles

München/Püttlingen, May 8, 2024 – Automated and autonomous vehicles, which rely on sensors like cameras and radar, either assist or take over decision-making in traffic situations. Sensors’ proper interaction and functionality must be thoroughly tested to ensure road safety. Dürr and Rohde & Schwarz, a global technology group, have developed an innovative, cost-effective solution for over-the-air (OTA) vehicle-in-the-loop (VIL) testing. This solution validates conformity and effectiveness during end-of-line (EOL) testing or periodical technical inspection (PTI).

Road safety is a key challenge for future mobility, especially for automated and autonomous vehicles. Ensuring the continued functionality of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving (AD) features is critical for long-term vehicle safety and performance. Therefore, manufacturers of vehicles equipped with these features require certification, either from a third party, authority or by self-certification. A vehicle-in-the-loop (VIL) test can validate the correct operation of all ADAS/AD functions in the end-of-line (EOL) and ensure conformity of production (COP) before a vehicle leaves the factory. In addition, maintaining proper functionality throughout a vehicle’s lifespan requires additional control measures during periodical technical inspection (PTI).

Simulating various driving scenarios

To address these additional requirements in the EOL and PTI process, Dürr and Rohde & Schwarz initiated a joint project incorporating Dürr's patented x-road curve multi-function roll test stand, Rohde & Schwarz’ new RadEsT radar target simulator and the open-source simulation platform CARLA. The combination creates a virtual environment specifically for the camera and radar sensors installed in the test vehicle, allowing for the OTA simulation of different inspection scenarios without touching the vehicle. These scenarios include critical situations such as unintended lane departures and other vehicles braking suddenly or switching lanes directly in front of the test vehicle. The test vehicle must react promptly to changes in the VIL simulation and, if necessary, trigger the automated lane-keeping systems (ALKS) or advanced emergency braking systems (AEBS), for example, to pass inspection.

Patented technology for ultimate versatility

The 4WD x-road curve allows for unrestricted driving with steering movements, facilitating cornering maneuvers without altering the test vehicle. Laser measurement technology recognizes the front wheels’ position and steering angle while swiveling front double roller units automatically adjust for any angular difference to the driving direction. This ensures the vehicle remains centered on the test stand even at high speeds, regardless of the steering wheel’s position, and without the need for vehicle fixation, thus minimizing cycle times.

Resilient processes and precise results

RadEsT, the radar target simulator developed by Rohde & Schwarz, is exceptionally resilient to external factors, ensuring consistent performance in production and workshop environments. Its ability to provide precise and repeatable measurements makes it an invaluable tool for conducting accurate assessments in real-world conditions. Moreover, its compact and lightweight design enables easy and flexible integration at a cost-effective price point.

Easy to use test scenario generation

The open-source tool CARLA offers vehicle manufacturers or PTI organizations maximum flexibility with additional cost-saving opportunities and great potential for scenario selection. The recently announced upgrade of the CARLA simulator to Unreal Engine 5 is expected to enhance modeling, simulation realism, and performance, particularly for over-the-air camera simulation via monitors.

By combining Dürr’s patented x-road curve multi-function roll test stand, Rohde & Schwarz’ innovative radar target simulator, and the open-source platform CARLA, automated and autonomous vehicles’ full functionality can be cost-effectively evaluated to ensure proper operation in production and throughout the complete vehicle’s lifespan.

  • Vehicle-in-the-loop test setup with Dürr x-road curve roll test stand, Rohde & Schwarz RadEsT and CARLA simulation environment

  • Swivelling front roller set of the Dürr x-road curve and Rohde & Schwarz RadEsT for over-the-air radar stimulation

  • Commercially available unmodified test vehicle and over-the-air camera stimulation via monitor with CARLA visualization

  • Vehicle-in-the-Loop test setup