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Brown County Organics relies on Dürr’s Sorpt.X SB technology to create pure biogas

Dürr provides biogas purification system to Wisconsin anaerobic digester facility

De Pere, Wisconsin, November 16, 2022 – Dürr’s Sorpt.X biogas purification system was recently installed at Brown County (BC) Organics, a grant-funded anaerobic digester facility owned by Dynamic Renewables. The facility, which held a ribbon cutting ceremony on November 10, is located in Greenleaf, Wisconsin and is the first commercial biorefinery of its kind in the United States. It will utilize 16 digesters to produce renewable natural gas (RNG), fiber bedding and clean water. Start-up will take place in early 2023.

Dürr designed, manufactured and commissioned the Sorpt.X SB system installed at BC Organics. It has a capacity of 2,400 square cubic feet per minute (SCFM) with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) removal and post compression. The system will produce about 1,630 million British thermal units (MMBtu) of renewable natural gas each day.

“The system takes the 60% methane, 40% carbon dioxide (CO2) gas mixture produced by anaerobic digestion of manure and upgrades it to 98% pure methane for injection into the Guardian pipeline, which is a small natural gas pipeline that brings gas from northern Illinois into Wisconsin,” said Tim Golden, Director of Alternative Fuels at Dürr’s Clean Technology Systems division. “There it will be used to create compressed natural gas for vehicles, replacing more than 11,000 gallons of diesel fuel each day and decreasing dependency on fossil fuels.”

Eleven local dairy and beef farms will provide more than 900,000 gallons of manure to the anaerobic digester facility each day using a hub and spoke system. In addition to creating renewable natural gas, the project aims to protect natural resources by reducing potential greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing the amount of manure applied to the land.

After the manure has been digested, the solids will be dried and separated to create more than 135 tons of fiber bedding for cows each day. The remainder will be sold to the horticultural market for use in boxing mixes and as a replacement for peat moss. This process will significantly reduce the amount of phosphorus released into the Lower Fox River watershed in Wisconsin as well.

BC Organics will also produce more than 400,000 gallons of clean, dischargeable water per day using ultrafiltration and a forward/reverse osmosis system. Each participating farm will receive clean water in exchange for its manure, resulting in a reduced need for local ground water. As an added benefit to the local communities, the anaerobic digestion process will also reduce odor by more than 90%.

“BC Organics is providing a more sustainable manure management option for the farms it will serve,” said Golden. “When coupled with the ability to make renewable energy and recycle resources, it’s a clear win for the community and environment.”

For more information about Dürr’s Sorpt.X SB biogas purification technology, visit our website. For additional details about Dynamic renewables visit www.dynamic-renewables.com.

  • BC Organics is the first commercial biorefinery of its kind in the United States. It will utilize 16 digesters to produce renewable natural gas, fiber bedding and clean water.

  • Dürr designed, manufactured, and commissioned the Sorpt.X SB system installed at BC Organics. The Dürr team pictured from left to right: Tim Golden, Director of Alternative Fuels; Rod Schwartz, Vice President Clean Technology Systems Americas; and Justin Peterson, Technical Sales Engineer.

  • The stripper column, flash tank and scrubber column, pictured left to right, are involved in removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the biogas and water. In addition, the system includes compression equipment and systems to remove H2S, CO2, trace contaminants and moisture.