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Ken Zak becomes new head of environmental technology division Clean Technology Systems

Bietigheim-Bissingen, May 25, 2021 – On July 1, 2021, Ken Zak becomes the new head of the Dürr Group’s Clean Technology Systems division. He succeeds Dr. Daniel Schmitt, whose internal move sees him join the Board of Management of HOMAG Group AG. Clean Technology Systems is responsible for the Dürr Group’s environmental technology business. In 2020, it achieved sales of approx. €400 million with around 1,350 employees.

US American Ken Zak has been part of the Clean Technology Systems management team since October 2018. He joined Dürr through the acquisition of US environmental technology company Megtec/Universal and subsequently drove the integration of Megtec/Universal together with Dr. Daniel Schmitt.
As a result of the acquisition of Megtec/Universal, Dürr has established itself as a world-leading supplier of industrial exhaust-air purification systems. “Environmental technology made by Dürr enhances the sustainability of production processes, and this is becoming increasingly important worldwide. This trend is leading to attractive opportunities for growth, which Ken Zak and his team will take advantage of,” said Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, CEO of Dürr Systems AG.
Ken Zak added: “Thanks to the Dürr and Megtec/Universal merger, we have the widest range of exhaust-air purification technology. This benefits our customers. We have global reach and can implement tailor-made solutions for our customers’ specific requirements at any production site around the world.”
The new division head will focus not only on exhaust-air purification and noise reduction technologies but also on the growing business in systems for the coating of battery electrodes. Worldwide demand for high-performance lithium-ion batteries is growing within the automotive industry and other sectors. “We provide effective support to our customers in expanding their production capacity. We are the leading supplier offering solutions for double-sided coating as well as traditional tandem systems and we provide end-to-end solutions including exhaust-air purification and solvent cleaning,” said Ken Zak.

Dr. Daniel Schmitt has been responsible for the successful further development of Dürr Clean Technology Systems since 2017. From July, on the Board of Management of the Dürr Group’s subsidiary HOMAG, he will be in charge of expanding the solid wood business. In this segment, HOMAG provides systems to produce components for sustainable timber houses. The market is growing fast due to an increasing number of building owners opting for timber construction.

  • Ken Zak becomes the new head of the Dürr Group’s Clean Technology Systems division.

  • Dr. Daniel Schmitt will be in charge of expanding the solid wood business on the Board of Management of the Dürr Group’s subsidiary HOMAG.

  • Dr. Jochen Weyrauch, CEO of Dürr Systems AG

  • Dürr has established itself as a world-leading supplier of industrial exhaust-air purification systems.

  • The new division head will focus not only on exhaust-air purification and noise reduction technologies but also on the growing business in systems for the coating of battery electrodes.