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Review Product Launch 2018 – A day focused on autonomous driving and digitization

Püttlingen, September 26/27, 2018 - 2025 is already within sight – and relating thereto the definite entry into the era of autonomous driving. Dürr Assembly Products is one of the most important partners of the automotive industry for the successful testing and adjustment of autonomously driving vehicles in the end of line.

More than 100 customers and partners, including well-known manufacturers such as Audi, BMW, Daimler, PSA, Renault, Volvo, VW and Byton, were able to convince themselves of Dürr Assembly Products’ pioneer status during the „Product Launch 2018“. The aim to ensure safe autonomous driving right from the very first kilometre is only achievable by treading new paths which were never tread before together with our customers. Our great strength is to provide custom-tailored solutions to our customers while considering the high technical requirements with absolute adherence to schedules.

A key component for the testing of autonomously driving vehicles in the end of line is the multi-sensor calibration test stand x-around. The sensors that collect all essential data to make autonomous driving possible in the first place are calibrated here. To avoid any environmental disturbances of the measurement results, the test stand is sealed off completely.
x-around grows with the increasing demands and is able to show static and dynamic patterns or scenes flexibly via monitors.

The dynamic roller test stand x-road curve defines a new level of development in the vehicle testing technology. In addition to the conventional functions of a roller test stand, the testing of autonomously driving vehicles with real driving situations is possible: On the x-road curve, vehicles can be tested at high speed with steering functions within a simulated environment. With means of an appropriate control loop and permanent measurement of the wheel angle, the vehicle always remains in the centre of the test stand. That way, it is possible to react to the steering behavior of the vehicle within an extremely short time.

These impressive demonstrations from the field of autonomous driving were followed by two special live experiences focused on industry 4.0:

We use digitization to improve our services. At the “Product Launch”, we demonstrated how technicians can identify all components of a test stand fast and easy with Dürr’s “Augmented Smart Customer Guidance” via tablet. The technicians receive specific information and are able to identify and resolve disturbances via Online-Support.

Furthermore, the participants were provided an insight into the digital marketplace Loxeo and learned how intelligent applications and service concepts can optimize the customers‘ working processes.

Another impressive scenario is the human-robot collaboration (HRC) – for example for the foglamp aiming of the the new Ford Focus. This innovative approach optimizes the ergonomics at the workplace and enables the collaboration between human and machine with the headlamp aiming. For this innovative project, Dürr Assembly Products received the “Ford World Excellence Award”.

For our customers, partners and for ourselves, this day was an experience of lasting value. Lively discussionsand open feedback rounds showed the strong confidence in our innovative capacity and the interest in cooperating with us as technological leader in autonomous driving and digitization of the industrial production.