Electrified: flameless air pollution control
Jun 8, 2022
Across all sectors of industry, manufacturing processes produce exhaust gases and vapors that contain pollutants. To protect human health and the climate, this contaminated exhaust air must be converted into clean process air, wherever possible without using additional fossil energy for the purification process, which would simply lead to CO2 emissions. The Oxi.X RV from Dürr uses an ingenious process to purify the air that is both environmentally friendly and cost-effective. This system is the only purely electric regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) that has been available on the market for several years.
Climate neutrality, rising energy costs, increasing CO2 pricing, tighter thresholds for exhaust air and a production process that emits volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and hazardous air pollutants (HAPs): all of these things present manufacturing companies with huge challenges, particularly if they have set themselves an ambitious sustainability target – to move away from fossil fuels and reduce their CO2 footprint to a minimum.
More than 600 oxidizers in operation worldwide
Despite the complex challenges, a proven and highly efficient air pollution control system has been available for some time. It combines electrification, the use of renewable energies and compliance with global climate targets and is the only one of its kind on the market: the Oxi.X RV. This flameless air pollution control system is already in use in more than 600 industrial production processes worldwide. Using the principle of regenerative thermal oxidation (RTO), it converts pollutants in exhaust air into harmless substances. With a purification level of 99.8 percent, it complies with the strictest global environmental regulations and, at the same time, is highly energy efficient. This is made possible by an ingenious invention. A ceramic heat bed with integrated electric heating elements brings the interior of the oxidizer to a temperature of approx. 1,000 °C.
Oxidation process almost energy self-sufficient
The special feature of the Oxi.X RV is that the entire oxidation reaction for cleaning the exhaust air takes place in the ceramic material. This has two benefits. For one thing, there is no open flame as in conventional combustion processes and therefore no unwanted byproducts, such as nitrogen oxides. For another, the heat bed stores the large quantity of energy generated during oxidation and uses it to keep the process flowing. This means that the oxidation process becomes autothermal as soon as the oxidizer reaches its operating temperature. Therefore, no additional external heat is needed, because with a heat efficiency level of 95 to 98 percent, the process can operate independently in terms of energy. Renewable sources can be used to supply the small amount of electricity needed to bring the system up to its operating temperature. This makes it into a key feature of a sustainable energy concept that enables companies to become independent of fossil fuels.
Access to certificate trading
The Oxi.X RV can be used in almost any sector of industry, because its high oxidation temperature removes a wide variety of solvents, including VOCs, from exhaust air. It is ideal for manufacturing processes with several sources of emissions and low to moderate solvent concentrations, such as printing on packaging, surface coating and any process where odors need to be eliminated. Because it is modular and comes in different shapes and sizes, the air pollution control system can be designed to fit in almost any building. This reduces the investment and installation costs, which are already low because of the lack of a burner and a conventional combustion chamber. To cut the energy costs, a secondary heat recovery system for air, hot water, thermal oil or steam can be added. In addition, the Oxi.X RV opens up the possibility of certificate trading if companies convert greenhouse gases such as methane or nitrous oxide, which are far more harmful to the climate than CO2, into clean air.
To sum up, the Oxi.X RV provides companies with a future-proof air pollution control process that has already proved its worth in practice. For any business looking for a clever, forward-looking response to the challenging requirements of climate neutrality, higher energy costs, rising CO2 pricing and increasingly tight exhaust air thresholds, the Dürr Oxi.X RV RTO is the ideal solution.